Thought I'd share a few pictures I've taken recently. All but one were taken the same day. It was beautiful out! Plenty of sunshine along with some clouds for shade. I love fall weather. If it could just be spring and fall all year I'd sure be happy.
I really don't have much burdock around here but the day before we shipped lambs about 30 head of ewes found a hole in the fence and went exploring in a draw that's full of them. I wasn't overly happy with the girls!
I like the above picture because of the way the sun is shining on the hill with the trees and yet it's shady where we're working.
If you look towards the top right hand of the picture you can see where the sun is shining on a hill. Jag had just brought this bunch from over there. One of his best qualities is his gather. Anywhere, anyhow is his motto. :-)
The picture above was the morning we shipped lambs. There's a long lane down to the corral and that's where Rock is pushing them right now. He's getting more confident driving all the time. He loves to work a bigger bunch.
Just thought I'd share one of him up close. He reminds me a lot of his mother (Jamie's Reece).
We're working on driving here again and he's really starting to figure out how to hold a line on a smaller bunch on his own now. Yay! BTW, if you can't tell, I REALLY like this dog.